TWS271: Leftover Turkeys

On January 14, 2014, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS271 logoOn the show this week:

  • Death, Live and In-Between
  • Love and Marriage
  • Mysteries

CQ: We use seasons as well as the calendar to give our lives meaning and progression, but in the dark of space, on-board a space ship or space station, or on another planet, what will we use for seasons?

Full list of 25 articles after the jump!

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TWS263: My Subscription to Consciousness Needs Renewing

On October 8, 2013, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS263 logoOn the show this week:

  • Front Page
  • Haunted
  • Reconfigured
  • Extras

CQ: Are we living (at least in the West), in a delusion of modernity, when reality is much more normal, old-fashioned and mundane than the technological dream we both imagine we have now and strive to solidify? – short, intense stories

Full list of 37 articles after the jump!

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