Dragon*Con, or “How Two Days Can Blow You Away”

On August 31, 2008, in Feedback, by the Encaffeinated ONE

Ok, technically it’s day 3 of the Con, but I haven’t really had a chance to say anything until now. Tried to post something last night, and the hotel wifi was uncooperative..

So far, so amazing. Yes, I won a Parsec Award last night for “Best Infotainment Podcast” for The WEIRD Show. That was simply stunning, amazing, loopy, mind-boggling, shocking and, and, and.. Well, I as wordless now as I was up on stage, in front of a collection of people for whom my admiration is incalculable.

But that was only one of the cool things that a weekend like this can bring. Not only am I able to attend panel discussions on everything from Horror in Gaming and Lovecraft on Film to (the one I’m missing right now) on writing audio drama, but I’ve attended live performances of 4 podcasts that I listen to (and in one case, interact with) regularly.

And what’s more, I’ve met them. There’s an entire convention going on around me, but I’m thrilled almost more when I meet the people whose voices have accompanied my walks, have told me stories, have entertained and thrilled and poked and prodded my mind. That part has been the most satisfying.

I met 4 other members of the other podcast that I do (Gerry, Laura, Miranda and Joe), The 9th (Heroescast) (and we’re hoping to record something while we’re here). I’ve met Jack Jaffee, brilliantly creepy mind behind 12 Volt Theater and Down The Road. I’ve met Tosus from Germany, George Hrab from the Geologic Podcast, Soccergirl, from Soccergirl, Incorporated, JC Hutchins, author of the podiobook 7th Son, Mighty Mur Lafferty, host of I Should Be Writing and writer of a number of short stories and books, including the recent Playing For Keeps.

Oh, the list goes on and on and on. Tabz, Kim, Evo Terra, Christiana Ellis, Tee Morris, Phillipa Ballantine….. I can’t list them all (yet), but I will. These are my Heroes and my peers. These are the voices in my head and in my heart.

I’m already making plans for next year…

Now, I gotta get going, get some breakfast and start learning the line that Tabz wants me to sing along with during tonight’s performance of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long blog. Sing?! ME??!? Is she nuts?!? (And wonderful.)

Oh, btw: did I mention that TWS won a Parsec for Best Infotainment Podcast? *squeeeeeeee* 🙂

All this, and two more days? *faint*

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