Strange Encounters are coming TOMORROW!

Well, it’s almost here: this special show I’ve been working on all month. 3 hours long. 5 interesting people to talk to, 5 hosts, call-ins, tweet-chat, Facebook chat.. INSANE! 🙂

Tomorrow night, tune in to CHSR-FM 97.9 in Fredericton or the online stream at to hear the show! We’ll give out the call-in number during the show, but if you want to phone in your Strange Encounter call 206-203-2292 and leave a message, or email weirdshow[at] with your story.

As a result of this being on Friday night, I’m not likely to have time for a regular CAFFEEN episode for Saturday morning. I might, but no guarantees.

You see, this isn’t just about doing a great show. Sure, that’s what I’m intending to do, but this is also about raising money for my adopted home, the campus/community radio station CHSR-FM. I’ve been a volunteer here for over a dozen years, and now work here every day. I believe in the power of radio, and the great role in the community that we play as a hub of communication. If you’ve enjoyed my show, give a good portion of the credit to the station that allowed me to create it, and donate to our station’s Fundrive. Thank you.

See you on Friday night! 8pm AST/GMT-4, 7pm EST

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