DDOP 206 #30: Ramble On The End of Things Begets New Beginnings

DDOP 2016 30 album artIn which I recount the ending of things (games, DDOP) and start immediately on the next things.

Thank you to all who listened, to all who produced, and to all who supported the Dog Days of Podcasting.

See you in December for “12 Days Of Wandering”, and next year for another DDOP.


Music is Toxic by The Bloody Diamonds.

DDOP 2016 #28: Ramble On And Off The “Topic” (By Mistake)

DDOP 2016 28 album artIn which I make the mistake of starting the episode with bad corn, but end up not really talking about corn at all.


Featuring Neko Case Hate F*cks Kurt Cobain by Little Foot Long Foot.

DDOP 2016 #26: Ramble On Conventional Narratives

DDOP 2016 26 album artIn which I apparently sought every meaning of “conventional narrative” except for the conventional one..


Music is Take The City by Kill Chicago from their album The Grey.