CAFFEEN! playlist for 2016-01-30: “Symbolic Systemic Crisis”

CFN 2016-01-16 coverartWhat do you when words fail you?

Declare war on them.

And when that doesn’t work?

Make them bend to your will.

  • We heard Godspeed You Black Emperor! with their song Moya from the album Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada.
  • We heard the song Larus Canus by The Grinding Ear which came from the album Beijing Post-Rock.
  • From the album One-Armed Bandit by Jaga Jazzist we heard Bananfluer Overalt.
  • From the album Acid Mt.Fuji by Susumu Yokota we heard Ao-Oni.
  • We heard Simon Guibord with their song stami from the album ASPCT.
  • From Kuato‘s album Free EP, we heard Al-jazebra.

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