CAFFEEN! playlist for 2016-01-16: “Being First”

CFN 2016-01-16 coverartWhat comes first?




Or being..

  • We heard the song Brohm Ridge by Loscil which came from the album Coast/ Range/ Arc.
  • From the album The Loss Of Our Winter by Below The Sea we heard Between Stratas.
  • We heard Le Pélican Noir with their song Bee Side from the album Sous tes paupières les plages désertes luminescentes .
  • We heard Hangedup with their song Broken reel from the album Kicker in tow.
  • We heard the song Barn Board Fire by Esmerine which came from the album Dalmak.
  • From the album You, You’re History In Rust by Do Make Say Think we heard Bound To Be That Way.
  • From Kuato‘s album The Great Upheaval, we heard Black Horizon.

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