CAFFEEN! playlist for 2015-08-20: “Mesomorphic Resonance”

CFN 2015-08-22 coverartThere is a filter in your mind.

It tells you “this exists” and “that does not”.

But what happens when the filter is applied to itself, to the thought itself?

It changes..

  • We heard Jena Paradies with their song syrdar from the album Ladoga (lp006).
  • We heard the song T-Tigers & Toasters by Mahogany Frog which came from the album Do5.
  • From the album Platform by Holly Herndon we heard Interference.
  • From the album New Ways: Music From The Documentary I Dream Of Wires by Solvent we heard Quantimations.
  • From Maserati‘s album Maserati VII, we heard Abracadabracab.
  • From the album Summer EP by KUATO we heard Afghanistan Rogers.
  • We heard the song Husworth by Scientists Of Sound which came from the album Electric Scissors.

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